What we do
We specialise in data science, statistical analysis, and artificial intelligence, supported by robust software engineering, clear communication, and a sprinkle of creative flair.
We’re a team of physicists, biologists, maths geeks, programmers and communicators who care about doing good with data.

Our clients are diverse and global, with ambitions to change the world. We help them shine.

Partnering for blue penguin
Dragonfly Data Science are excited to collaborate with Ōamaru Blue Penguin Colony on a project to modernise its data management systems, and to help learn about the daily lives of blue penguin or kororā.
Repeatable reporting with SPRFMO
We recently partnered with the team at the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) to help streamline their reporting.
Stencila: AI-enabled documents for scientific research and publishing
Dragonfly has been working with Nokome Bentley on his startup, Stencila, which brings large language models to scientific research and publishing.
Ka kite Aotearoa, begroeting Amsterdam!
Dragonfly team member Henry Zwart has relocated to the other side of the globe to study towards a masters of computational science at the University of Amsterdam.